
“As I develop in the program, I’m finding more of my interests and skills. The professors are really good at helping guide us into what we want to do.”

“I appreciate how faculty push me to problem solve on my own initially,诺西说, “which allows me to grow as an independent researcher.”

At SPU, 凯瑟琳·莫菲特 found herself growing deeper in her faith. Now she looks forward to putting her classroom knowledge to work in a school counseling career.

The first in his family to attend college, Orlando Sánchez Montes is now a postdoctoral fellow at a VA medical center, specializing in rehabilitation neuropsychology.

卡拉宝宝’s clinical internships for an MS in Marriage and Family Therapy degree showed her the impact she could have in the lives of young people in turmoil.

Meykia-Monique Smith’s friendship with a struggling veteran eventually led her to SPU, where she found opportunities to help her prepare for a future aiding veterans.

While valuing his undergraduate and graduate courses, 雅各整理 discovered that his relationships with other students and professors have made a lasting impression.


What is psychology?

In the 21st century, psychology is at the forefront of how we work, live, and play together.

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