What Student Leaders Say 网易彩票app Wesleyan Small Groups



名称: 蒂芙尼布兰科

Soul Care has been a great blessing in my life. 它引导我更深入地了解到,像我这样来到基督面前和其他人面前意味着什么, and to a deeper understanding of listening. 成为领导者, 我在对待他人的方式上经历了巨大的转变, 因为我亲眼看到了倾听他人在当今世界生活的各种现实的重要性. SoulCare brings listening, 奖学金, and presence to another level; it transforms a group of individuals into a community in which we look inward, 网易彩票app培育了一个神圣的空间,在那里网易彩票app可以自由地做网易彩票app自己,做网易彩票app自己——这是网易彩票app校园独特而特殊的礼物.


Diana Alvarado Guerrero

名称: Diana Alvarado Guerrero

我在SoulCare的经历是一种祝福,因为它给了我一种成就感,因为我觉得上帝在召唤我去做一些新的事情, something a bit out of my comfort zone. I decided that would be SoulCare, and it has been a great experience. 我越来越有同情心,因为作为WSG的领导者,让我记住了人的人性. When I was a freshman, 我喜欢成为WSG成员的原因之一是我所在团队的多样性. 如果我能成为别人在WSG中感到舒适的原因之一, then I count that as a big blessing as well. 看着时间一周一周地过去,看着人们如何成长,如何彼此分享,这是一份礼物,因为我看到了他们身上的转变,我也经常对自己有了新的认识. 我喜欢成为WSG的领导者,因为尽管我不知道会议会带来什么好处, I always walk out with a smile.



名称: Kenzie陈

SoulCare has provided me with a fiercely loving, 深入骨髓的, and unabashedly Christ-centered community. 我的导师, 教授, and fellow leaders have invested deeply in me, equipping me with the tools to grow into my potential as a leader. Being immersed in this community has been such a blessing, especially in the midst of the chaotic and hectic life of a student! 与我的导师小组和卫斯理小组的会议是我一周的重点, 通过他们,我一直受到挑战,要培养一个神圣的空间, embrace vulnerability, and be my most authentic self.



名称: 塞西莉琼斯

灵魂关怀一直是我生命中最令人惊讶的祝福之一,它不断地给予回报. Being placed in a WSG my freshman year, I wasn’t sure what to expect. 我很快就爱上了我的团队和领导,也爱上了这里提供的与他人交流的空间, 我自己, and my faith in ways I hadn't considered before. 我选择成为一名领导者,因为我想找到并建立一个社区, somewhere I felt seen and valued for what I brought to the table. Being from a very small major, I struggled with finding that sense of community, so when I heard the possibility of being a WSG leader I jumped on it. 我有机会参加一些我觉得在SPU文化中有所不同的事情,并有幸与一个了不起的团队一起工作,并在此过程中建立了友谊. 通过参与网易彩票下载和结识新朋友,我得到了祝福. I’ve been blessed with community, the one thing I wanted most, and the ability to feel proud and confident in what I offer. 参加SoulCare真是太棒了,我很高兴看到它继续为我带来什么.



名称: 阿什利Tayor

成为SoulCare的一员让我看到了别人的生活经历, how those experiences connect us to each other, and how the experiences impact our faith and faith expression. 作为一个终身学习者,我渴望感受到圣灵在我生命中的工作, WSG领袖的角色是一种祝福,因为我经历了向他人表达爱和提供支持的乐趣,而不管他们的背景或身份. 在灵魂关怀计划中担任领导角色,帮助我更好地理解和接受我的使命,因为我练习用我的信仰为他人提供一个安全和充满爱的环境. 我在 SoulCare has allowed me to develop my understanding of diversity, 股本, and inclusion by placing me in groups that are diverse in every aspect of human existence; this has reawakened my longing to be a part of faith community, because after hearing the thoughts, 感情, and experiences of others, I’ve realized that I may be unique—but I am not alone.



名称: 路加福音亨利

很难用语言来表达成为SoulCare的一部分对我的生活有多大的祝福. 灵魂关怀为我提供了一个安全和充满爱的环境,让我成长为一个人,成为基督的追随者. I have not been pressured, 而是受到SoulCare的挑战,以无私的心态进入新环境,真正关心他人的幸福. SoulCare让我有机会每周以一种合理而有意义的方式对人们的生活产生积极的影响. 通过亲眼看到社区如何对我和其他人产生积极影响,我比以往任何时候都更了解社区的重要性. 我真的很感谢SoulCare给我的技能和祝福,这将影响我的余生.



名称: 吉迪恩塞尤姆

作为一个灵魂关怀的领袖参与是一个巨大的祝福,因为它给了我一个新的方式来服侍别人作为一个基督的追随者, and to understand my peers better. Before joining SoulCare, 我对网易彩票app的看法很大程度上受到我的专业和朋友圈的影响. 然而,在加入SoulCare之后,我有幸与校园里更多的学生建立了联系,拓宽了我对SPU社区的看法. 能够与他人分享信仰之旅激发了我最后的合成项目, Refraction of God’s Light, 在那里我艺术地表现了我领导WSG的经历,以及上帝使用网易彩票app不同的经历来传播福音的能力. To illustrate this, 我使用了光折射的物理现象,其中几条光线通过凸透镜并折射来创建图像. This imagery communicates how various conversations with people, 共同的记忆, and situations that may seem unconnected, especially during those afternoons in my WSG, have refracted into a revelation of Christ. Being in SoulCare has greatly informed my on-campus 经历并拓宽了我对服事他人的看法.


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